
A Snowy Day

Mr. Snowman is dressed for the weather!

In front of our house, just a little more snow

Whisper says, Let Me In
Our Patio
A walk in the Park
Dervish  Loves  Snow



First Stop: Vancouver and a bit of sight seeing



Bright Sun


Driftwood Art
Our trip to Alaska is to celebrate 40 years of marriage!
We had dinner near the water, sunset, and the next day a tour to Stanley Park and then to board the SHIP.
Our first cruise. Wow.
The beginning of a great trip.

Gnarled Trees


My Friend Steve


DOG EATS BEEHIVE... BEES TOO! 2010 VPI Hambone Award Nominee - Ellie Coe

Dog wins prize for eating beehive
The winner of the second annual VPI Hambone Award — a competition for the most unusual pet insurance claim – is Ellie. The yellow Labrador Retriever from California ate a beehive — bees included. ... [Read more]

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Dangers of Dogs Eating Acorns: Ingested Oak Leaves, Buds, and Bark Can Cause Kidney Failure

Dervish was munching acorns yesterday. I think I will stop him from eating them....
I wasn't sure if they could be harmful, so I looked it up.

He has been having great fun catching buzzing cicadas and chomping them down!

Great Dog Book

3.44 avg rating - 272 ratings - 99 reviews - isbn 1416583408.
 Rae said: "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
 Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." 
Groucho Ma...
Fascinating book! 
Dog friends, check this out!

Grapes, Raisins, Onions

Can I Feed My Dog Onions, Grapes or Raisins?
Source: pet-nutrition.suite1...

Here are some signs you should watch for if you suspect your dog has consumed onions, grapes or raisins. Eating even a small amount of these foods can be fatal.
toxic for dogs!

Should Dogs Eat Acorns?

Dangers of Dogs Eating Acorns
Source: dog-care.suite101.com

Vomiting, diarrhea, and renal failure may be symptoms shown by dogs eating acorns or drinking water that oak leaves have soaked in.
I checked this out after Dervish was chomping on fallen acorns! Now I won"t let him!


no words needed



More Dog Park Pics

Whisper and Dervish earlier this summer with cottonwood "fluff" everywhere!

Dog Train

Whisper Stays Cleaner than her "Brother"

Ed at the Park with Lucy, Dervish and Whisper
It Is A Hot Summer Day

Recent Journeys to the Dog Park

Dervish always manages to find the mud! We call it Black Leg!

Dervish has a spiral on his back



The Pond in Fink Park with Willows
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Spring 2010

Everything is beginning to grow! Just love all of it!
The blossoms are so cool. Minature tails.
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Spring 2010

There is something I really love about spring....
The Colors. So faint, at first, just a hint and the first ones I see are the Willows. A slight greening of the branches. More of a yellow, soft from a distance, you can just see it while driving on the highway.
My body feels it, a tiny bit of excitement, re-awakening from dreary winter. And then, in a week or two... S~P~R~I~N~G ! The world is coming back to life. Colors are everywhere. I am revived!
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My Favorite Program

Click the link!
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Marc Chagall on Color

I read this quote by Chagall, I thought it was thought provoking!

"All colors are the friends of their neighbors and the lovers of their opposites."


Dervish and Whisper: the Bat Dogs

Some new pictures of the "kids". The bat hunters.

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Bats on the Path

Last night when we walked the dogs, Dervish and Whisper pounced on a leaf in the middle of the sidewalk. Together.
The the "leaf" turned over and sort of hissed. A tiny sound from a tiny creature. I saw its teeth and immediately knew what it was. A  BAT.
Not lively, but injured or sick. I pulled the dogs away as soon as I realized what it was.
Later, I walked back, armed with a plastic container, lid and flashlight. If it was still there, in the same spot on the sidewalk, I would capture it... without touching it, of course. Rabies?
I swapped out the lid for some mesh fabric when I got home. I duct taped it securely, and placed the container in our garage for overnight safe keeping.
In the morning, Ed made calls to Animal Control and, after MANY calls, to many places,  Lake County responded. An officer came out to pick it up. The bat was still alive... barely. They would call us if it was rabid.
I don't think the dogs were bitten, their rabies shots are current. Our vet was not concerned. If the bat turns out to be rabid ... we will see about rabies booster shots. We will take all precautions.


Sometimes we are our own worst enemies.

I decided to go to the WDCC meeting in Milwaukee. There was to be a panel discussion on internet and facebook marketing. I thought if I could learn one thing... it would be a worthwhile trip. The meeting was to be at Mount Mary College at 5:30.
I had been there many times. Did not bring my GPS. I left my house at 4:30.... I'd be about 15 minutes late. I got off at Good Hope Road, made the turn... and the sign says Cardinal Stritch College. OOOOPs. Long story short.... with my cell phone and google, I made my way to Mount Mary where I had never been!
... I arrived at 7:30 pm....
The meeting ended at 8:00 pm.
Lesson: I should NEVER go anywhere without my little GPS.


2 Cats need a Home

Elana has been a devoted cat owner since she was a child, and she still loves her cats very much. Unfortunately, her allergies and hospitalizations from asthma have made it impossible for her to keep her cats. They were living with her father for the past few years, but his health is suffering, and he can no longer take care of them. No other family or friends are willing to take them. We have contacted shelters around the area, but they are all over capacity. We are out of options, and unless we can find a solution soon, we will have no choice but to euthanize them -- so we are desperate to find a home for these cats.

Emma (black and white domestic short hair) is 16 years old. She is kind and loves to cuddle. She gets occasional urinary tract infections but they resolve quickly with medication.

Anna (Siamese & quite fluffy) is 14 years old. She is a funny and playful cat who sometimes thinks she is a dog. She is very sweet and nothing like the stereotypical Siamese cat.

See photos below. Both are well trained, low maintenance, friendly, and relatively healthy. Elana is willing to pay for vet bills if necessary.

Thank you so much for your help. Please let us know if we can provide any additional information.

Daniel & Elana
Also, they are both spayed, and declawed on the front.

Thank you for your help in locating a potential rescue home for Elana's cats...