The the "leaf" turned over and sort of hissed. A tiny sound from a tiny creature. I saw its teeth and immediately knew what it was. A BAT.
Not lively, but injured or sick. I pulled the dogs away as soon as I realized what it was.
Later, I walked back, armed with a plastic container, lid and flashlight. If it was still there, in the same spot on the sidewalk, I would capture it... without touching it, of course. Rabies?
I swapped out the lid for some mesh fabric when I got home. I duct taped it securely, and placed the container in our garage for overnight safe keeping.
In the morning, Ed made calls to Animal Control and, after MANY calls, to many places, Lake County responded. An officer came out to pick it up. The bat was still alive... barely. They would call us if it was rabid.
I don't think the dogs were bitten, their rabies shots are current. Our vet was not concerned. If the bat turns out to be rabid ... we will see about rabies booster shots. We will take all precautions.