
DOG EATS BEEHIVE... BEES TOO! 2010 VPI Hambone Award Nominee - Ellie Coe

Dog wins prize for eating beehive
The winner of the second annual VPI Hambone Award — a competition for the most unusual pet insurance claim – is Ellie. The yellow Labrador Retriever from California ate a beehive — bees included. ... [Read more]

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Dangers of Dogs Eating Acorns: Ingested Oak Leaves, Buds, and Bark Can Cause Kidney Failure

Dervish was munching acorns yesterday. I think I will stop him from eating them....
I wasn't sure if they could be harmful, so I looked it up.

He has been having great fun catching buzzing cicadas and chomping them down!

Great Dog Book

3.44 avg rating - 272 ratings - 99 reviews - isbn 1416583408.
 Rae said: "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
 Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." 
Groucho Ma...
Fascinating book! 
Dog friends, check this out!

Grapes, Raisins, Onions

Can I Feed My Dog Onions, Grapes or Raisins?
Source: pet-nutrition.suite1...

Here are some signs you should watch for if you suspect your dog has consumed onions, grapes or raisins. Eating even a small amount of these foods can be fatal.
toxic for dogs!

Should Dogs Eat Acorns?

Dangers of Dogs Eating Acorns
Source: dog-care.suite101.com

Vomiting, diarrhea, and renal failure may be symptoms shown by dogs eating acorns or drinking water that oak leaves have soaked in.
I checked this out after Dervish was chomping on fallen acorns! Now I won"t let him!


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